What is the official website of Coin birds app?

The official website of the Coin birds app is https://each1.net/coinbirds
We only have the domain https://each1.net and create various apps based on this domain.

Please note that other domains with similar names, including TheSameName.com, are not the website of Coin birds app.
Other websites with similar names to Coin birds appear to be scams or malicious websites that are trying to trick Coin birds users visiting their websites.
Our team has received some reports from users. To put it simply, it is a social attack.

Can’t find users in the same city as you?

Live user statistics are about 1,836 active users.

There are 10,000 cities in the world, if there are more than 50 users in each city, then people can easily find users who live in the same city as themselves.

In fact, every city’s recycling plants and some travelers hold many foreign coins. In the past, they had to personally bring these foreign coins back to the country that issued the currency. If they know about Coin birds, they may sell lots of foreign coins through Coin birds.

Currently, some cities have more users, while some cities have fewer users. If you download the app and find that you cannot find other users in your city, sending a message to your usual forum to let more people know about the Coin birds app is a good idea to help more people join the system as soon as possible.

How to ensure transaction security?

We recommend that you use the Escrow provided by this site whenever possible, the Escrow is a free service with no hidden fees.
If you want to use the Escrow, please log in to https://each1.net

How to back up messages, log out of the app, and delete accounts?

To back up messages, log out of the app, and delete accounts, please log in to https://each1.net

You can find relevant functions on the website.

What is CB-point?

The iOS/Android app users can In-App purchase CB-point.

If iOS/Android apps listed on the app stores provide In-App purchase services, each transaction must pay 50% taxes, so the Coin birds team created CB-point to facilitate users to make In-App purchases.

The price for users to purchase 1 CB-point through the app stores is US$2, which includes app store tax, government tax, insurance and other fees.

Since $2 times 50% equals $1, 1 CB-point is equivalent to 100,000 CBS.

The CB-point is available on the Coin birds iOS/Android app and the CBS is available on the Each1.net website.

What is CBS?

CBS (Coin Birds Stablecoin) is a digital currency issued with a blockchain smart contract and provided with sufficient cryptocurrency as security.

CBS uses include, but are not limited to,
A) buying cryptocurrency issued by the blockchain on https://each1.net/,
B) using within CBS-enabled apps,
C) buying foreign currency left over after travels from the travelers who support CBS.

There are many ways to obtain CBS. Please log in to https://each1.net or download iOS/Android apps to participate in activities and earn CBS.

What is renting cloud mining by the Coin birds app?

Users can rent cloud mining through the Coin birds app. Cloud mining is a type of Wakacoin blockchain mining that uses servers, not the user’s devices such as the user’s smartphone.

The Wakacoin blockchain is an open source blockchain using Proof-of-Work (PoW). Anyone can download the open source code to mine the Wakacoin blockchain. People can learn the details at https://github.com/wakacoin/blockchain or https://each1.net/wakacoin.